Sydney Private Schools introduces Bathurst Public School in Bathurst, for all your education and learning needs.
The teachers and parents of the school are committed to producing a quality, comprehensive education for all students through the explicit teaching of core knowledge, skills and values. By attending Bathurst Public each student will progress through core knowledge programs in literacy and numeracy and other key learning areas.
The students will also have opportunities to involve themselves in co-curricula programs such as band, choir and sport. All students, depending on their stage of development, will be taught the skills involved in successful: Decision making; communication; problem solving; collaborative learning; citizenship and personal responsibility. The school shares its site with the Bathurst District Office, the Bathurst Learning Difficulties Support Centre, the Reading Recovery Centre and a School Dental Clinic. The school prides itself in its diversity as a learning community.
Welcome to Bathurst Public School one of the popular educators in your Bathurst area. Our aim is help you in your learning journey.
We endeavour to celebrate each other's uniqueness by providing opportunity for all and to develop a culture that identifies that the journey towards excellence is often paved with trial and error, risk taking, learning from mistakes, flexibility and adaptability. We believe that encouraging students to take ownership of the learning is critical in achieving the best learning outcomes and that implicit in this concept is that students learn their own areas of strength and areas of development, through useful and explicit feedback.
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